author: jmderusha
created: 2007-11-20 14:50:44
From my husbands home state of Wisconsin. Some good basic home cooking that can feed a family cheap! Received from Tracy
2 pounds extra lean hamburger/ground beef onion, how much is your choice, diced potatoes, sliced. enough to make a nice thick layer in a 9 x 13 baking dish Butter, about 3/4 of a cube. Slightly softened optional. water 2 cans Creamed Corn Brown hamburger with diced onion While that is browning, slice the potatoes and layer on the bottome of a 9 x 13 size baking dish. Use your own discretion how many potatoes you want. Sprinkle the sliced potatoes with some water for extra moisture. Drop dabs of butter on top of the potatoes. Spread browned hamburger/onion on top of the butter and potatoes Spread the 2 cans of creamed corn on top of the hamburger. Cover with foil. Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour, or when checked the potatoes are softened or tender. THATS IT!! TRIED IT...AND ITS GOOD. tHE CORN ADDS A NICE SWEET FLAVOR TO IT. MIGHT EVEN MESS AROUND WITH IT, DR. IT UP WITH WHATEVER,