author: goodrums
created: 2007-10-25 18:19:09
by Mary Lou Messersmith
2 pkg yeast 1/2 warm water (mix and set aside) 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon shortening 1 1/2 cup hot water 1/2 cup sugar 2 tsp. salt 2/3 c dry milk 2 eggs beaten Add to yeast mixture. Add 5 cups all purpose flour to above mixture. Let rise. Add 2-3 cups flour.Knead well and divide into four sections. Roll out each section, brush with margarine. Cut pie shaped into 12 pieces. Roll up and place on greased cookie sheets. Brush with melted margarine. Let rise and bake in 350 oven until brown. Can be frozen in freezer bags for later use after baking. (lightly brown these)